Because of its low flash point, Gasoline is unstable and when mixed with fire burns very fast and can possibly explode. By warning others of the hazardous risks, you can prevent many fatal accidents and mishaps. Inform them with Gasoline Safety Signs. Gasoline Signs bring everyone’s attention to a nearby stored Gasoline container or a pipeline containing gasoline. Since, Gasoline is highly susceptible to catching fire; no ignition source should be allowed near it. Negligence in posting signs can cause a catastrophe - Why take chances? Order these durable
Gasoline Signs today and ensure safety for all.
• Safety signs are the key to success. Build a safer and happier workplace by posting appropriate signage. Signs also show your commitment to employee safety.
- • Each design is available in a variety of materials and sizes. Choose from aluminum signs, plastic signs or laminated vinyl labels.
- • Our signs and labels offer durability while keeping prices in check. We offer web’s best pricing.
Great Label!
Great label! The only feedback is that it would be better if it had a border surrounding it to visually separate it (make it stand out more) from a similar background such as a white fuel tank.