MySafetySign Blog

Protecting temporary retail workers during the busy holiday rush

For employers in the retail industry, holiday hiring is off to a frantic pace. Retailers hired more workers in October than ever on record — that’s since 1939, when the Bureau of Labor Statistics began keeping track.

While the season offers valuable employment opportunities, temporary workers also face a greater risk of non-fatal injuries than workers who are permanently employed by a company, according to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). As the Department of Labor points out, “Workers not familiar with this sort of employment, and employers unaccustomed to hiring part-time and/or seasonal employees, may not be fully aware of the regulations surrounding such employment.”

Temporary workers have the same protections as permanent employees. Despite the hectic nature of the season, it’s important for retailers to pause and consider the procedures and responsibilities that will make the holidays safer for everyone.

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