Bilingual Warehouse Signs
Why buy English and Spanish signs separately when you can have them both in one? Bilingual and Spanish signs reach out to a bigger audience.
Pallet Storage Area, Area De Guardar Paletas
7"x10" to 10"x14"
Compressor Starts Automatically/Advertencia El Compresor Se Enciende Automaticamente
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
Live Steam/Advertencia Cuidado Vapor (with Graphic)
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
Watch For Moving Equipment/Advertencia Este Atento A Maquinaria En Movimento
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
Universal Precautions Must Be Observed/Advertencia Se Deben Seguir Las Precauciones Universales
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
Keep This Plant Safe & Clean/Piense Mantenga Esta Planta Segura Y Limpia
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
Think Quality! Sanitize Hands Before Returning To Work, Piense En Calidad! Lavese Y Desinfecte Sus Manos Antes De Volver A Trabajar
3.5"x5" to 12"x18"
Holding Area, Area De Espera
5"x7" to 10"x14"
Material Receiving, Recepción De Materiales
5"x7" to 10"x14"
How To Lift Correctly Bend Your Legs Keep Your Back As Straight As Possible Keep The Load Close To Your Body Grip The Box Or Load At Opposite Corners Advertencia Como Levantar Correctamente Doble Las Plemas……
Bilingual Warehouse Signs - Danger
Ideal for areas where hazard poses a risk of death or severe injuries like burn, electrocution, crushing, head injury, or amputation.
Bilingual Overhead Power Lines
3.5"x5" to 12"x18"
Hazardous Chemical Storage Area / Almacenamiento Quimico Peligroso Area
3.5"x5" to 12"x18"
Chemical Storage (Bilingual)
5"x7" to 10"x14"
Flammable Liquids, Liquidos Flamables
3.5"x5" to 18"x24"
Poison Storage Area All Unauthorized Persons Keep Out Keep Doors Locked When Not In Use (Bilingual)
7"x10" to 10"x14"
Crossing Or Standing On Conveyors Is Forbidden/Peligo Se Prohibe Ponerse De Pie (with Graphic)
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
Bilingual Warehouse Signs - Caution
Signs are in the universal OSHA Caution Sign pattern and alert employees (with English and Spanish text) to work safely around the warehouse.
Forklift Traffic / Montecargas Transitando (With Graphic)
3.5"x5" to 12"x18"
Watch For Moving Equipment. Tengan Cuidado Cuando Alguien Vaya Pasado Con Algo Pesado El Monta Carga
5"x7" to 10"x14"
Do Not Enter Authorized Personnel Only, No Entre Personal Autorizado Solo
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
Keep Aisle Clear At All Times/Cuidado Mantenga El Pasillo Despejado With Symbol
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
Low Clearance/Bajo Limite De Altura
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
No Smoking Beyond This Point / No Fumar Mas Alla De Este Punto
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
Bilingual Warehouse Signs - Safety First
According to ANSI Z53.1, the standard background color of Safety Instruction Signs shall be white, and the panel - green with white letters. Text against the white background shall be black.
Be Careful Work Safely, Ten Cuidado, Trabaja Con Seguridad
5"x7" to 10"x14"
Keep Aisles Clear / Mentenga Los Pasillos Libres
5"x7" to 10"x14"
Put Tools Back In Their Proper Place/Seguridad Primero Devuelva Todas
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
Bilingual Warehouse Stencils
63 mil thick, reusable ABS plastic stencils have burr-free edges for a clean imprint (use paint or buy stencil ink from us). Does not absorb paint and can be washed off.
Keep Aisles Clear / Mantenga Los Pasillos Despejados
24"x24" to 48"x48"
Other Warehouse Safety Signs
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