This one’s great at first I put it in my kitchen garden, but then I saw the back of it from my kitchen windows. I moved it to a better location. Shipping was quick and well-packaged. the sign is sturdy enough and easy to assemble. The directions on the ladybug sign were good. - even if I read them after.
Love the signs! Sturdy, well made, and very attractive. Very easy to assemble. They beautifully announce all that our property represents. Hopefully our neighbors begin to question theiuse of pesticides and think about incorporating more ecological alternatives to grass
Attractive signs to protect your native gardens.
This one’s great at first I put it in my kitchen garden, but then I saw the back of it from my kitchen windows. I moved it to a better location. Shipping was quick and well-packaged. the sign is sturdy enough and easy to assemble. The directions on the ladybug sign were good. - even if I read them after.