Custom Spanish Safety Signs
Use a custom sign and convey the exact information about a specific hazard in Spanish. Order our popular 40 mil aluminum sign, plastic, or our adhesive label material.
Aviso - Mensaje En Espanol
3.5"x5" to 18"x24"
Por Favor - Su text To Aqui
3.5"x5" to 18"x24"
Peligro - Mensaje En Espanol
3.5"x5" to 18"x24"
Area Restringida - Su text To Aqui
3.5"x5" to 18"x24"
Propiedad Privada - Su text To Aqui
3.5"x5" to 18"x24"
Prohibida La Entrada - Su text To Aqui
3.5"x5" to 18"x24"
Cuidado - Mensaje En Espanol
3.5"x5" to 18"x24"
Advertencia - Mensaje En Espanol
3.5"x5" to 18"x24"
Seguridad Primero - Su text To Aqui
3.5"x5" to 18"x24"
Emergencia - Su text To Aqui
3.5"x5" to 18"x24"
Spanish Safety Signs & Labels
Have a heavily populated Spanish workforce? Don’t let an important safety message slip out due to linguistic barriers.
Peligro - Espacio Reducido
7"x10" to 12"x18"
Peligro - Caliente (With Graphic)
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
Peligro - No Entre, Personal Autorizado Solamente
3.5"x5" to 24"x30"
Precaucion - Se Requieren Cascos Duros
7"x10" to 24"x30"
Aviso - No Entrar Personal Autorizado Solamente
3.5"x5" to 18"x24"
Extinguidor De Fuego
Spanish Electrical Safety Signs
Concerned about electrical safety in and around your facility? Use appropriate warning signage and ensure no one is unaware of electrocution hazards.
Peligro - Lineas Aereas Electricas
10"x14" to 18"x24"
Peligro - Alto Voltaje, Personal Autorizado Solamente
3.5"x5" to 18"x24"
Peligro - Alto Voltaje Personal No Autorizado Mantener Fuera
3.5"x5" to 18"x24"
Peligro - Alto Voltaje (with Bolt Graphic)
3.5"x5" to 12"x18"
Precaucion - Debe Haber Un Espacio Libre De 36 Pulgadas Delante De Este Panel Electrico Segun Las Normas De OSHA-NEC
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
Advertencia - Panel Electrico Mantener Libre 36 Pulgadas
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
Spanish Machine Safety Signs
Our signs prevent accidents due to the operation of machines and keep those who understand only Spanish, safe and informed.
Cuidado - Conductor Debe Bloquear Las Ruedas
7"x10" to 18"x24"
Precaucion - No Manejar Sin Guardias
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
Precaucion - Cuidado, Trafico De Motacargas
7"x10" to 12"x18"
Peligro - Este Equipo Arranca Automaticamente
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
No Se Permite Operar, Sin Los Protectores En Su Lugar (With Graphic)
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
Precaucion - Cuidado, Trafico De Montacargas (With Graphic)
3.5"x5" to 12"x18"
Spanish Chemical Safety Signs
Mark the presence of chemicals in your facility and underline their hazards with an appropriate Spanish sign that caters to your Hispanic workforce.
Advertencia - Area De Trabajo Con Plomo Veneno No Fumar O Comer
3.5"x5" to 10"x14"
Peligro - Propano No Fumar No Llamas Abiertas
3.5"x5" to 12"x18"
Cuando Suene La Alarma Y La Luz Encienda - Amoniaco (Ammonia) Ha Sido Detectada En Esta Area por favor salga del area imediatamente
3.5"x5" to 12"x18"
Cuidado - Zona De Residuous Peligrosos, Prohibida La Entrada A Personal No Autorizado
3.5"x5" to 24"x30"
Peligro - Combustible Diesel, No Fumar No Llamas Abiertas (with NFPA Symbol)
7"x10" to 10"x14"
Peligro - Propano No Fumar (with NFPA Symbol)
7"x10" to 12"x18"
Spanish Floor Safety Sign
Do not have a mounting surface? Explore these FloorBoss signs, stencils, and SlipSafe adhesive floor sign options with Spanish messages for safety.
Advertencia - Montacargas Transitando
9"x9" to 17"x17"
Trafico Peatonal Solamente
9"x9" to 17"x17"
Proteccion De Oidos Requerida (With Graphic)
9"x9" to 17"x17"
Cuidado - Alerta Al Montacargas (with Graphic)
9"x9" to 17"x17"
No Montacargas En Esta Area
9"x9" to 17"x17"
Cuidado - Riesgo De Tropezar (With Graphic)
Very pleased.
Just what my company needed. Thanks so much.